This is a completely different church experience than what you have ever encountered before.
Try it. You just might like it.

The First Sunday of the month all home groups meet together at the park or another public location. This gathering has more of a conventional church feel to it. This is the typical layout:
• Worship - We usually start out with a time of worship; adults and kids worship together
• Communion and/or testimonies – testimonies provide an opportunity for anyone to share a word or what God has been revealing to them lately
• Bible teaching
• Children’s lesson during message
The rest of the month we meet in homes. The typical layout:
• Worship
• Bible teaching - kids and adults have separate lessons
• Lunch
• Group discussion and application
• Prayer time
There is a lot of information here about what we do when we get together, but the most important part is who we are becoming when we get together.
And that is...being transformed more and more into the likeness of Jesus.
You can expect our groups to be:
• A safe place
• A place of healing and support
• Grace-filled
• Encouraged to take daring risks of faith
• Focused on transformation not mere information
• The needs of the individual are put before the needs of the church
Doesn’t matter if you know a lot or a little or if you have been a Christian a long time or just exploring what faith in Jesus is all about for the first time... you will be at home here.
The 3rd Sunday of every month is set aside to serve the community together.
Every home group has their own missional focus.
It is our goal to make the community miss us if we were gone.
God blesses us so that we can bless others.
You don’t have to look any further than your next door neighbor if you want to go on a mission trip.
We are passionate about creating everyday missionaries.
We know that even good change is hard.
Let’s be honest. It’s a really big step going to someone’s home for the first time. It can be super awkward. We get it.
We work really hard to create a safe, casual, and nonjudgmental environment.
We know that, but you don’t and that’s ok. So until you are ready, here are some smaller steps:
Let’s grab coffee. Feel free to
contact anyone of us on our team.
Join us for one of our monthly corporate worship services. Typically the first Sunday of the month at a public location (usually Willow Creek Park). Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to confirm location.
Watch our livestream. Sundays at 10:30am. Currently we stream on Facebook Live. Past messages can be viewed here.
Serve with us at any of our serve events. Contact us if interested.
Ask questions. We love curiosity. Ask away.
Try the online group. Experience virtual circles. This is different than the livestream. This group is still in development but it will be like a small group experience but online. Contact us if you are interested.
Come for a non-committal trial. Try us out. If you don’t like it and want to leave or it’s not for you, no problem. We promise not to barricade the front door and make you stay.